The proven collection of forms “Beck'sche Online-Formulare - BeckOF” has so far been based on traditional text templates. In order to offer customers even more flexibility, it was to be supplemented by interactive and individually configurable contract templates. These new templates were introduced under the name “Beck'sche Interaktiv-Formulare - BeckIF”.
Create all the necessary documents for the dismissal of an employee, including consultation with the works council and a possible release from work, in just one template.
Employment contracts can be offered as a self-service, centrally standardised and easily updated template.
Draw up the bilingual executive employment contract with different clause variants in no time at all.
Choose from pre-formulated reasons and create an employee warning in just a few steps. Alternatively, you can reprimand an individual breach of duty.
With this template, you can create a standardised dismissal complaint with just a few clicks. Just decide on the appropriate reprimands and add personal information.
With this template you can create a services agreement in a few steps, just decide which clauses should be part of the contract.
On the self-service portal of the law firm KMW employers from the health care sector can create a first draft of a labor contract themselves with just a few clicks. Here is an example for employers in the field of dentistry.
COVID-19: KREMER RECHTSANWÄLTE automated an agreement on short-time work after checking automatically whether it is necessary or not.
Create the appropriate job reference with just a few clicks.
An NDA can be simple or complex. Just take a look at how varied an NDA can be and how quickly a first draft can be created despite its complexity.
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