Success Story

Employers' Association Braunschweig

Case study

With LAWLIFT, the Employers' Association provides its members with automated templates for labor law, transitioning from conventional Word templates to automated LAWLIFT templates. LAWLIFT enabled the Employers' Association to not only simplify the document creation process but also to make it more contemporary and faster.

The past

Previously, the legal way of working of the Braunschweig Employers' Association consisted of a mix of document templates and existing labor law generators. Word templates, especially for employment contracts, were a central element. To ensure maximum flexibility and diversity, the association created a multitude of templates that took different contractual situations into account and had to be manually adjusted.

The new approach

With the implementation of LAWLIFT, the association was able to automate its templates. This means that instead of numerous individual documents, there is now a flexible and dynamic template that includes all relevant information and clauses. The design of the generator is not only visually more appealing than a conventional Word template but also particularly user-friendly and intuitive. The ease of use allows members to quickly and precisely create the required document without having to resort to numerous individual templates.

View the template

The effort for changes and adjustments has been reduced, which brings a significant time saving for both members and the association's lawyers. Since the contract generator anticipates most queries, time-consuming phone calls are avoided. Moreover, through this digital transformation, the association positions itself as forward-thinking and modern. With this pioneering role, the association serves as a model for other organizations and demonstrates that it has arrived in the digital age and is ready to keep up with the times.

"With our new employment contract generator, we demonstrate: Modern associations can be a driving force in legal technology."

- Lars Alt, CEO AGV Braunschweig.

The profile

Founded in 1949, the AGV today represents over 1,000 member companies accounting for more than 125,000 employment relationships. The association actively participates in regional development strategies, sets economic policy accents, and maintains an open dialogue with members, partners, and the public.

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